Post-Secondary Competitors
To compete in Skills Alberta, Post-Secondary students apply to compete with a reference from their technical institute.
The 2025 Post-Secondary Provincial Skills Canada Competition will be hosted at the Edmonton EXPO Centre May 7 & 8, 2025.
The gold medalist from the Provincial Skills Canada Competition will move on to the 2025 Skills Canada National Competition (SCNC) in Regina, SK from May 29 & 30, 2025.
Eligibility Criteria
- Must be born on or after January 1, 2004
- Competitors in Mechatronics or event areas that do not move forward on Team Alberta or on Team Canada to WorldSkills must be born on or after January 1, 2001.
- Must be an Alberta resident
- Must be endorsed by their Technical Institution
Non-Apprentice Skills
- A competitor must be registered student with a training institution in a related program in a competition area in which they wish to compete at any time between July 1st of the previous year of the PSCC and the start of the PSCC.
- Must be endorsed by their Technical Institution
Apprentice Skills
- A competitor must be registered student with a training institution in a related program, pre-apprenticeship program or be a registered apprentice in the trade (skill) in which they wish to compete at any time between July 1st of the previous year of the PSCC and the start date of the PSCC.
- Competitors cannot be a certified Journeyperson prior to May 1, 2025, in the skill area in which they wish to compete.
- Must be endorsed by their Technical Institution