Countdown to Provincials (May 7 & 8, 2025):40 days

SAGA Opportunities

Our alumni are our biggest advocates, leading their peers by example with their skill, dedication and passion. If you’re looking to get involved with Skills Canada Alberta once your competition days are at an end, here are some ways you can!

Get into the classroom

Interested in sharing your Skills and career journey with future competitors? Connect with Hayley Albright our Education Facilitator to visit a classroom near you during one of her Skills in the Classroom activities!

Lead a Professional Development session

One of the SAGA initiatives we are hoping to introduce this year is peer lead Professional Development sessions. Interested in hosting one? Connect with Claire Lecocq, our Education Coordinator.

Join our Provincial Technical Committee

Each one of our contest areas at the Qualifying, Regional and Provincial Skills Canada Competitions is facilitate by industry and education experts that form our Provincial Technical Committees (PTCs). Interested in joining the committee for your field? Get more information and apply here!

Sign up to be an Alumni Volunteer at our Provincial Skills Canada Competition

Can’t get enough of those Skills competition vibes? Check out our alumni specific volunteer opportunities to help us out at our Provincial Skills Canada Competition!